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How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc...

Apa sie Definisi Approach, strategy, Method, Technice


 menurut T.raka Joni (1991) bahwa menunjukan cara umum dalam memandang permasalahan atau objek kajian, sehingga berdampak.
( approach is ways of defining what and how the students need to learn)
Anthony stated that approach is a set of assumption  dealing with the nature of language , learning,  and teaching.
adalah ilmu dan kiat dalam memanfaatkan segala sumber yang dimiliki dan /atau dapat diarahkanutuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan
adalah cara umum untuk menyampaikan pelajarankepada peserta didik atau mempraktekan teori yang yelah dipelajari dalam rangka mencapai tujuan belajar (fred & herrY) . Anthony stated that method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach.
adalah menunjukan keragaman khas dalm mengaplikasikan suatu metode sesuai dengan latar  tertentu. (ways of presenting the materials and teaching)
Techniques are the specific activities  manifested in the classroom that are onsistent  with a method and therefore in harmony with a pproach as well.
Model adalah menunjuk suatu struktur secara konseptual yang telah berhasil dikembangkan dan diterapkan. Jadi model pembelajaran adalah  Merupakan bentuk pembelajaran yang tergambar dari awal sampai akhir yang disajikan secara khas oleh guru atau bungkus atau bingkai dari penerapan suatu pendekatan, metode, dan teknik pembelajaran


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