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How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc

Ayo, Test Your English Competence. Free (Exercise One)


A. Choose the Correct answer, a, b, c, or d.
1. …… you got a table for four?  a. do    b. have  c. is    d. are
2. Ani : ……..                    Susi : Juice of apple
    a. may you like to drink? b. what would you like to drink?
    c. What would you like to eat?  d. what would you like to drink juice of apple?
3. Rudi : …………………………………?
    Ani   : It is Rp. 4.000
a.       how much is the book               b. how much does the book cost
c.       how many is the book              d. How many does the book cost
4. Susi is ……………….. than Sinta
    a. more beautiful        b. as beautiful as       c. the most beautiful    d. beautifully
5. Dwi is the …….students in the classroom.   a. taller   b. tallest  c. tall   d. more tall
6.It is nine minutes past ten.   =               a. 9. 10        b.10.9         c. 9.49      d. 9.51
7. It is twenty minutes to ten   =               a. 9. 40      b. 40.9      c. 9. 20       d. 20.9
8. Rini  : ………………..?
    Rina  : it is  the fifth of October.
a.       what day is it today          b. What is the date today
c. What the date is today       d. What date today
9. This month is June. Last month was ….    a. August           b. May      c. July      d. April
10.  Roni ….  To Bali last month              a. go   b. went          c. has gone      d. goes
11. The correct way for ordering something  is …
      a. May I see a menu, please?                b. Would you like to drink?
      c. Could I have a table for two?            d. May I sit here?
12.  The way of ordering a place in the restaurant..
       a. Have you got a table for five?          b. do you have an orange juice?
       c. May I sit here?                                  d. have you got any plate of fried rice?
13.  Y : ………………………………?
        X : Yes, I would like a Pizza
a.       May I take your order, please?       b.  Would you like to drink?
c. What would you like to drink?          d.  Have you got a table for four?
14.  Have you got any potatoes?        a. some           b. any          c. much       d. many
15. Which one is a countable noun?          a. sugar        b. cakes       c. butter     d. beef
16. How …… brothers and sisters do you have?       a. many   b. much  c. any    d. any
17. How …    sugar do you need?              a. much   b. many     c. any   d. few
18. Anita is …. than Dina         a. shorter   b. shortest  c. more short d. shortly
19. You want to buy butter in the supermarket, so you can find it in  the …
     a. Bakery section  b. dairy section  c. meat department   d. vegetable section
20. Susi wants to buy …     bread.        a. bottle of   b. slice of   c. cup of   d. a can of..
B. Complete the following dialogues!
1. Budi :……………………………?
    Susi : it is a quarter pas six
2. Rino : What is the time?
    Nina : It is …………………(9.25)
3. Tini : What time is it?
    Riri : It is a quarter to ten + …………..
4. Ahmad : What time …. Your father go to work
   Susi       : My father goes to work at seven
5. Rita : This month is June. What month was last
    Nina :  Last month was ……….
6. Tino : ………………….
    Dini :  It is Sunday
7. Ahmad : When were you born? 
    Tuti       : I was born ………… (25 April 2016)
8. Andini : …………………
    Nino   : it very hot
9. Yuni : ………….
     Yuyun : my Phone number is 08378483739
10. Rina : ……………….the book cost?
     Tini  :  It costs Rp. 23.000

D. Write the following words in the comparative and superlative  forms!











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