
Showing posts from January, 2019

Smart, creative, and inpirative


  THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION : TEACHER VS AI- WHO HOLD THE KEY? Hamdani as Madrasah Supervisor at Bekasi Regency Abstract The integration of AI in education is reshaping learning by enhancing personalization, automating tasks, and providing data-driven insights. While AI improves efficiency, it lacks the emotional intelligence and mentorship essential for holistic student development. This study finds that a hybrid model—combining AI’s capabilities with teachers’ expertise—produces the best outcomes. AI-driven tools enhance learning and reduce teacher workload, but ethical concerns like data privacy and accessibility must be addressed. To maximize AI’s potential, educators need training to integrate technology effectively. The future of education lies not in choosing between AI and teachers but in leveraging their collaboration for more inclusive and effective learning. Keywords artificial intelligence(AI), Teacher, the teachers’ roles, teaching, educat...

Do you have difficulties in Listening Skills?

To solve your difficulty in learning the listening skills, you should practice to the native speakers, or at least listen to the original sound from the native speakers through video. Please listen and repeat several times everyday, I hope your English listening skill improves.  A video about Listening Skill  Tr Train your listening skill everyday, Ok.

A Simple Example to Improve Your Listening Skill

If you want to improve your speaking and listening skills, you can watch and repeat video everyday, at least twice a day. First, please pay attention how she/he pronounces the words, sentences or phrases, after that please repeat several times.  If God so wills, your difficulties can be overcome. A Video About Listening Skills

Mencari Sosok Pemimpin Bangsa yang Amanah, Prabowo atau Jokowi? Silahkan Berkomentar.

Mencari Sosok Calon Pemimpin Bangsa Yang Amanah      Bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang kaya dan makmur akan sumberdaya alamnya serta didukung dengan sumberdaya manusianya. Akan tetapi, kenapa bangsa Indonesia ini masih sulit berkembang seperti bangsa- bangsa lain, bahkan boleh dikatakann bangsa kita masih bangsa "underdeveloped country, bukan developing Country". Olehkarena itu, bangsa Indonesia memerlukan calon pemimpin yang amanah. 1. Pengertian Amanah Pengertian Amanah dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya pesan, atau perintah, dan s ecara lughawi, kata "amanah" artinya dipercaya atau terpercaya. Adapun menurut istilah aqidah dan syari'at agama, amanat adalah segala hal yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada seseorang, baik hak-hak itu milik Allah maupun hak hamba, baik yang berupa benda, pekerjaan, perkataan, ataupun kepercayaan hati.   Demikian juga Sabda Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW tentang amanah yang artinya: "Tidak ada iman yang sempurn...

Tips To Improve the Students'Score/Achievement

Tips to Improve the students'Score/ Achievement There are two main tips that should be conducted by the teachers if they want to improve their students' score or mark, namely: The application of  "Mastery Learning" approach and  and the use of washback, and feedback in the assessment system. 1. The  Use of " Mastery Learning" Approach a. The Definition of Mastery learning The application of mastery learning is one of the approaches in the process of teaching and learning that can be used by the teachers if they want to improve their students' score or achievement.  Mastery Learnning is an approach   that works for all students, regardless of level of achievement (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013). b. The steps of mastery learning : 1.  Organise concepts and material into small learning units. To organise concepts and material into small units or more specific material the teacher should perceive or read the basic competence in advanc...

Anda Cinta NKRI ? Tegakan Keadilan yang Merata!

Anies dilaporkan, Kenapa Gubernur, atau Penjabat yang Lainnya Tidak? NKRI merupakan harga mati,oleh karena itu kedamaian, kerukunan dan persatuan perlu dijaga dan dipertahankan agar kedamaian  bangsa tidak terganggu.  Salah satu terganggungnya persatuan dan kesatuan serta kedamaian NKRI adalah kurangnya keadilan penegakan hukum. Penegakan hukum kalau bisa harus merata dan berlaku untuk semua orang atau golongan. Karena jika hukum ditegakan secara tidak adil dan merata maka akan berdampak besar terhadap kerukunan da kedamaian bangsa. Sekarang ini kita sering mendengar atau melihat dari berbagai media tentang dipangginya oranga nomor satu di DKI yaitu Bapak Anis karena mengacungkan dua jari. Pengacungan duajari dianggap melanggar peraturan bagi pejabat. Akan tetapi, Kenapa hanya Bapak Anis saja yang dipanggil sedangkan yang lain tidak. Pada hal mereka para gubernur, wali kota dan lain- lain lebih terang-terangan memberikan dukungan kepada nomor tertentu. tapi kenapa...

Do You Want to Enhance Your Students' Achievement? Read the Following Article!.

Two Tips in enhancing your students' Achievement                                         (Mastery Learning makes the students enjoyable in learning) There are two tips that can be used or applied by the teachers to enhance their students' achievement, particularly the results of the school or national examination, namely the the use of approach "Mastery Learning and Prayer".  1. Mastery Learning Mastery Learning is one of the approaches than can be used by the teachers to  improve or  enhance  the result of the students' test, or the school and national examination. To apply "Master Learning" in the activity of teaching and learning process, there are some items that should be comprehended  in advance:  a. The Definition of Master Learning  The Master Learning is an approach that focuses or emphasizes  more on the material develo...

How To Be Attractive teachers? Read the following article!

Be  Attractive Teachers for Your Students To create the conducive teaching and learning activity, or to reach the learning purpose well and successfully, so the teachers should be attractive for their students. Since, the attractive teachers can make their students interested in learning or following the learning activities. There are some ways  that should be noticed and undertaken to be an attractive teachers. 1. Performance The attractive performance is a important part for the teachers to make students interested in learning or following the lesson, because the good and attractive performance can make students not only interested but also pleased to follow the lesson. For example, there are two types of teachers, namely the teachers who  always wear tidy and ironed clothes with tie, and always smile when they comes into the classroom. In addition, before beginning the subject or lesson, they  always say "hello/hi, how are you?, are you alright, and so ...