Tips to Improve the students'Score/ Achievement
There are two main tips that should be conducted by the teachers if they want to improve their students' score or mark, namely: The application of "Mastery Learning" approach and and the use of washback, and feedback in the assessment system.
1. The Use of " Mastery Learning" Approach
a. The Definition of Mastery learning
The application of mastery learning is one of the approaches in the process of teaching and learning that can be used by the teachers if they want to improve their students' score or achievement. Mastery Learnning is an approach
that works for all students, regardless of level of achievement
(Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013).
b. The steps of mastery learning :
1. Organise
concepts and material into small learning units.
To organise concepts and material into small units or more specific material the teacher should perceive or read the basic competence in advance , particularly dealing with the materials. After reading the materials in the basic competence, the teachers should be able to develop the materials to be more specific.
The teacher in this case should teach their students the subject or materials that had been specified, and so should their students. If the students learn every unit or specific materials, so the students will not undergo the difficulties in undertaking the task or test. In other words, The students can carry out the task or the test well or successfully because between the questions and the materials tested are suitable with materials learnt or taught.
2. Check on Student Learning at the End of Each Unit
Checking on the student learning at the end of each unit is very urgent to know or measure the students' success in learning. Whether all of the students have already understood the lesson taught, or not yet. Since, the students have different competence in understanding the lesson, some of them may be can conduct the test or task well or successfully, meanwhile the others can not. In other words, Checking on student learning at the end of each unit is a must that should be undertaken by the teachers.
3. Suggest to Students What They might Do to Correct Their Learning Difficulties
In correcting the students' task or the result of the test, the teacher should exam clearly about the students' mistakes that is by underlining them in order the students are not confuse to correct. Therefore, if the teachers do want to improve their students' achievement, they should exam their students' task correctly.
4. Students then only work on materials to be mastered
The students will master the materials of learning well if their teachers can teach the materials specifically or by unit, not generally. Besides, the students also will undergo easiness in undertaking the task the test.
2. The Assessment System: Correction, Washback , Feedback and Praise
In the assessment system, there are some items that should be noticed, namely: correction system, washback, feedback and praise.
a. Correction
In examining or correcting the students' answer sheets, the teachers should underline etc the students' mistakes clearly or specifically in order the students know their mistakes to revise and they are not confused anymore what they want to revise.
a. The Concept of Washback
Washback is a urgent part in the process of assessment because the washback dealing with the assessment or the test. The definition of washback is the effect of the test. Snow stated that washback is the effects of the
evaluation method on students’ study and practice method.
According to Buck in Baily, the definition of washback, as follows :
“There is a natural
tendency for both teachers and students to tailor their classroom activities to
the demands of the test, especially when the test is very important to the
future of the students, and pass rates are used as measure of the teacher
success. This influence of the test on the classroom (referred to as washback
by language testers) is, of course, very important; this washback effects can
be either beneficial or harmful.
b. The Concept of Feedback
Meanwhile, the definition or understanding of feedback is a suggestion given to the students and there is respond from the students. The suggestion should use a polite statement in order the students are not offended. The feedback is very important to be given to the students in order they do not make mistakes anymore. Hattie et al stated that feedback is
conceptualized as information provided by an agent (e.g., teacher, peer, book,
parent, self, experience) regarding aspects of one's performance or
Knight declared that If the students do not
get feedback, they may be continue to make the same mistakes repeatedly and fail
to improve performance. Students can be guided when they are doing things badly
or incorrectly by the feedback we give
them on their work. This is often one of the more valued aspects of tutor’s
role, when students are given fairly comments, in writing or orally, about what
is going wrong, so that they do not continue to make the same mistakes.
c. The Concept of Praise
word of ‘praise’ in the washback strategies can be defined as a words, phrases,
expressions, or statement that were used by the teacher to commend the
students’ work, not only to the students who undertook the test successfully,
or gained the satisfied achievement, but also to the students who conducted the
test poorly or made many mistakes in carrying out the test or the task.
in Tap et al 31defined praise
as "to commend the worth of or to express approval or admiration." Bennett in Tap et al 32defined as
"any statement that 'makes a positive evaluation of an
object, person, act or event. Henderlong et al 33stated that praise refers to
“positive evaluations made by a person of another’s products, performances, or
attributes, where the evaluator presumes the validity of the standards on which
the evaluation is based.
The purpose of giving a praise in the washback strategies
particularly towards the students who could conduct the task or test
successfully was very urgent. Since, it could
not only urge and motivate their spirit and desires, but also to perform something
better as challenge in the future. Jeffrey at al 34state that the teacher
praise is universally recommended as an effective tool to increase students’ academic
achievement and for social behavior in the classroom. Maureen et al 35stated that teachers regularly use praise as an
instructional strategy to increase the occurrence of children's positive social
and academic behaviors.
Thus, the application of the approach "mastery learning" in improving or enhancing the students' achievement or score, and the correct assessment system: washback, feedback and praise, will come true if the teachers carry out well and seriously.
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