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Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

How to be An Expert Teacher? Theory and Practice

What does it mean to be an expert?

Image result for expert teacher, animation

1. Definition of Expert Teacher

Before talking about the expert teacher, we should know the definition of the expert in advance. The definition of expert is the person who usually operates or perform something from deep understanding of the total situation.

In the ninteenth century, the understanding of 'expert' is dealing with the specialised knowledge and a specialist. In other words, the person who has or master the specialised knowledge is called an expert. However, for nowdays to understand or define the meaning of expert is easy, because there are many factors that should be understood if we want to say that she or he is an expert person.

The teachers can be experts if they not only master the knowledge or materials they teach, but also  have many competences, like the competence of social interaction, or the competence to act as students' parents at school, the competence in solving the students' problems, and so on.

In the process of teaching and learning activity, we can know or differ between the  novice teachers  and expert teachers easily. First, the expert teachers usually have high self- monitoring, that is they are always aware of what they are doing when they want to be.  Second, the expert teachers  often carry out the deliberated practice to show a feature of how experts develop  and then deepen their capabilities.Meanwhile, the novice teacher is on the contrary.

To be expert teachers could be reached through some stages, namely from the novice teacher to expert teacher. The stages of experts as expreesed by Andrew Goodwyn consists of "novice, advanced begginer, competent, proficient, and expert".

2. The Stages of Expert/Expertise

a. Novice 

The novice teacher has specific characteristiics, namely;
- Minimal, or textbook knowledge without connection to practice
- unlikely to be satisfactory unless closely suprised
- Needs close supervision or instruction
- Litle or no conception of dealing with complexity
- Tends to see actions in isolation

b. Advaned Beginner

The advenced beginner has some characteristis, namely:
- Working knowledge of key aspects of practice
- Straightforward tasks likely to be compecated to an accepptable standard
- Able to achieve some steps using own judgement, but supervision needed for overall task
- Appreciates comlex situations but only able to achieve partial resolution
- see actions aas a series of steps

c. Competent 

The characteristics of 'complement' teacher consists of :
- Good working and background knowledge of area of practice
- Fit for purpose, through may lack refinement
- Able to achieve most task using own judgement
- Copes with complex situations through deliberate  analysis and planning
- See actions at least partly in terms of longer- term goals

d. Proficient

The characteristics of 'proficient' teacher consists of :
- Depth of understanding of discipline  and area of practice
- Fully accepted standar achieved routinely
- Able to take full resposibility for own work
- Deals with complex situation holistically, decision- making more confident
- See overall 'picture' and how individual actions fit within it.

e. Expert

The expert teacher can be seen through some characterisicts below, namely:
- Authoritative knowledge of discipline and deep tacit understanding across area of practice
- Excellence achieved with reative ease.
- Able to take responsibility for going beyond existing standards and creating own interpretations
- Holistic grasp of complex situations, moves between intuitive and analytical approaches with ease
- see overall 'picture' and alternative aproaches; vision of what may be possible.

The five stages are the development of teacher that should be done to be the expert teachers. To be the expert teachers are not easiy; therefore, the teachers should work hard and should be able to prove that they can be the expert teachers. 

According to Hattie, there are five dimentions to be the expert teachers, namely:

a. The expert teacher can identify essential representaions of their subjects

The specific characteristics of this model of the expert teachers, namely;
- The expert teachers have deeper representations about teaching and learning
- The expert teachers adopt a problem- solving stance to their work
- The expert teachers can anticipate, plan, and improvise as required by the situation
- The expert teachers are better decision- makers and identify what the desicions are important and
   which are less important decisions.

b. The expert teacher can guide learning through classroom interations

The characteristics of the expert teachers can guid learning, namely:
- The expert teachers are proficient at creating an optional classroom climates for learning
- The expert teachers have amultidimentionally complext perception of classroom situations
- The expert teachers are more context- dependent and have high situation cognition

c. The expert teacher can monitor learning and provide feedback

The characteristics of the expert teachers who can monnitor learning and provide feedback namely:
- The expert teachers are more adapt at monitoring student problems and assessing their level of
   understanding and progress, they provide much more relevant, and useful feedback
- The expert teachers are more adapt at developing and testing hypotheses about learning difficulties
   or instructional strategies
- The expert teachers are more automatic 

d. The expert teacher can attendto affective attributes 

The characteristics of the expert teachers who can attend to affective attributes, namely:
- The expert teachers have high respect for students
- The expert teachers are passionate about teaching and learning

e. The expert teacher can influence student outcomes

The characteristics of the expert teachers who can influence student outcomes, namely:
- The expert teachers engage students in learning and develop in their students' self-regulation, 
   involvement in mastery learning, enhanced self-efficacy and self esteem as learners
- The expert teachers provide appropriate challenging tasks and goals  for students
- The expert teachers have positive influences on students' achievement
- The expert teachers enhance surface and deep learning.

Thus, the writer can conclude that the expert Teachers are the teachers who have enough experiences, master the subjects, and  usually operates or perform something from deep understanding of the total situation. To be the expect, teachers  should have many competences like social competence or the problem solving competence in the learning process or the students' problems. The question, do you want to be the axpert teacher?


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