Some Tips To Improve the Students' Speaking Skill.
There are some tips that can be undertaken to improve the students' speaking skill,namely :
1.Comprehension of the text
a. The teachers should create the activities designed to teach the students to recognize the meaning in words used in the meaning contexts.
b. The teacher should teach the students to guess the meaning of the words or phrases without knowing all of the words and the structures of the sentences.
Besides, there are some items that should be noticed by the teachers to teach their students about speaking skill dealing with the comprehension of the text, such as:
a. The teachers should use visual aids like picture, gestures, etc
b. The teachers should aid understanding/comprehension,
c. The teachers should speak slowly in order the students can perceive what the teachers are talking
d. The teachers should emphasize or pay attention more on the key words
e. The teachers should simplify vocabulary and grammar in speaking in order the students understand
what they are talking about more easily.
f. The teachers should speak by using related ideas with the context.
g. the teachers do not talk out of the context.
2. The Early Speech/Speaking Stage
In the early speech stage, the teachers should begin using simple or short English words, like yes/no answers, one word answers, and two words or phrases.
The example:
Are you a student? yes, I'm.
What are you ?, who is speaking in front of the classroom? Susan
3. Speech Emergence
In the speech emergence stage, the speech production will enhance or improve the quality and quantity. The sentence that the students become more complex and longer.
The teachers should give the changes to the students to use or to practice their oral and written language wherever and whenever possible. There are many activities that can be done by the teachers to give the opportunities to the students to practice their language, like:
a. group discussion
b. games of all sorts
c. reading a text
d. writing exercises, etc
The most important thing in teaching speaking, the teachers should begin from themselves to speak English with their students, and encourage them to communicate in English. There are main items that should be remembered by the teachers are: Don't be afraid of making mistakes in speaking or communicating, and don't correct the students' mistakes when they are talking or speaking because will make the conversation break down.
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