
Showing posts from March, 2019

Smart, creative, and inpirative

Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

Sungguh Luar Biasa Capres 02: Tegas, Berani, dan Jujur

Ketegasan, Keberanian dan Kejuran Capres 02 Ketegasan, keberanian dan kejujuran capres 02 dalam debat capres tanggal 30 maret 2019 membuat kita bertanya- tanya, kenapa capres 02 begitu berani, tegas dan jujur dalam mengungkapkan siapa dirinya dan bagaimana pandangannya terhadap bangsa serta pengalamannya semasa menjadi tentara Indonesia. 1. Keberanian dan Ketegasan dalam Mengungkapkan Pandangan Keberanian dan ketegasan capres 02 dalam mengungkapkan pandangannya tentang masa depan bangsa sungguh luar biasa, terutama tentang pentingnya kekuatan sebuah negara. .Beliau mengatakan bahwa negara tidak akan diremehkan; akan tetapi, negara akan dihormati dan disegani oleh bangsa lain apabila bangsa itu mempunyai kekuatan. Pandangan ini sebenarnya sangat berisiko dalam perjalannya menuju istana, karena pandangan tersebut dapat membuat kekhawatiran dan ketakuta, ketidaknyamanan negara- negara lain, serta menurunnya dukungan. Namun, Capres 02 mungkin tidak berpikir atau tidak memikirk...

The First English Exercise: Greetings, Introductions, and States of Being/Feeling

Greetings,  Introduction s, and States of Being/Feeling 1. Greetings Dialogue one Sinta : ..........................., Budi . How are you? Budi  : Good morning, Sinta. I am fine thank you. and you? Sinta  : .......................... Budi, I want you to meet my sister, Rita.              Rita, this is Budi. Budi, this is Rita Rita    : Nice to meet you Budi    : ..................................... Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Good bye How do you do? Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too See you later How are you? How are things with you? Examples : Budi : Good morning, Mr.Andi Andi : Good Morning, Budi Budi : How are you? Andi   : I am fine, thank you. And you? Budi  : I am Very well, thanks 2. Introductions In the personal information or self introduction, we can mention or introduce some items, like : Name : What is y...

Merdunya Suara Syamsuri Qori international

Belajar mengaji dengan mendengarkan suara qori internasional Syamsuri pasti cepat bisa.

Ceramah KH Zainuddin MZ Lucu full MP3 - Cobaan Terberat Laki Laki


How to Improve the ability of Toefl Score?

Playing the English videos or listening to the native speakers is one of the most suitable ways to improve your toefl score. If you have questions or different views, please put in my comment section.

English For Beginners : Playing the English Videos about the self-Introduction

Learning English by playing the english videos or listening to te native speakers is faster and better.

Toefl for beginners

If you want to mprove your toefl score, please follow and play the following videos one by one

Toelf Collections

If you want to improve your toefl score, please play the videos one by one and follow the "toefl instruction". If you have different ideas or  questions, please put your comment in the comment section.

Kumpulan Ceramah K.H. Zaenudin M.Z

Sejuknya hati dan tenangnya pikiran mendengarkan ceramah K.H Zaenudin M.Z

Kumpulan Bacaan Al Quran H. Muammar ZA Terlengkap Juz 1-30

How to teach or Learn a Grammar easily?. Unit 3: For example/for Instance, Namely/Such as, etc

 Linking Words: Adding, Organizing and summarizing; 1. Adding Information and Examples a.   The use of "for example / for instance" The expressions of "for example/for instance" can be used for adding the idea that we are talking. The expressiona of "forexample/for instance" can be place or go on at the beginning or the end of a sentence. There are a number of problems encountered by the teachers when they are teaching. For example, many of students make a noice and come late There are a number of problems in this school. For example, many of the classrooms don’t have audiovisual equipment. Mrs. Karen has a lot of brilliant ideas for my blog – Providing an discussion column, for instance. In a written English the expressions of "for example and for instance" can be replace by " i.e. and e.g".  The "i.e" used to give further explanation or clarification, means "that is or in other words";...

KH Zainuddin MZ Sang Da'i Kondang: Cobaan Kaum Laki- Laki




Does the Digital World Negatively Affect Student Growth? Why?

The Influences of the Digital World on the Student Growth The progress of era or digital world will have at least two influences, namely negative and positive influences. Does the digital world have negative or positive influences on the student growth?. Please pay attention two pictures below and Give your reasons/comments/answers in my blog comment column! your reasons are very useful for me o the other readers to add their knowledge. 1. Why does the progress of the digital world have a negative influences on students? Give your     reasons or answers as many as possible. 2. Why does the progress of digital world have a positive influences on students?     give yur reasons or answers as many as possible.

How to Learn a Grammar easily : Unit 2; Reasons/Results

The Reasons and Results The words of "because of, because, due to, owing to, since, as since, therefore, consequently, as results" have a similar function  when are used to give reasons or results; however, in grammatical  pattern, they are different. 1.Because / Because of The use of "because and because of",grammaticaly have differences, namely the word of " because" is followed by a subject + verb, but the word of "because of", is followed by a noun. For examples : The meeting was canceled because of the rain The meeting was canceled because it was raining. Susan        : Would you like to accompany me to go to the opening of  the Book fair?? Mr. Black  :  when? Susan        :  24 th of April 2019 Mr. Black  :  I am sorry I can not accompany you because I should attend my brother's birthday party                      I am sorry I...

Bagaiman Cara Meningkatkan keterampilan Siswa dalam Menulis? "Washback"lah Jawabanya

                                           IMPLEMENTASI WASHBACK   STRATEGY DALAM                                              MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MENULIS   Di dalam pengajaran bahasa asing atau bahasa Inggris, ada empat kemampuan yang perlu diajarkan oleh para guru kepada siswanya. Kemapuan tersebut   yaitu membaca, mendengar, berbicara dan kemampuan menulis. Kemampuan bahasa yang paling disegani dan ditakuti oleh siswa adalah kemampuan menulis, karena menulis itu sangat sulit dan komplek. Kesulitan mereka   tidak hanya pada kekurangan vocabulary, penulisan kata, penggunaan grammar, membuat kalimat, mengembangkan paragraf, tapi juga keterbatasan waktu. Disamping itu, kepercaan diri dan motivasi mereka juga sangat menurun. ...

The best Video Youtube to Improve the Toefl Score: Train everyday, please


How to Actualise the Digital World in Improving the Education Quality?

The Use of Digital World in Education  The progress of the technology and information era nowdays can't be avoided,but they should be regarded as great challenges. The progress of the tekhnology and information have huge effects not only on our life, but also on the field of education. . 1. The Influence of Technology and Information on Everyday Life a. Negative Influence  The negative influences of teknlologi and informtion, or digtal world on the world of education, such as, the incorrect use of HP by students, The students almost every day are busy with the mobile telephone rather than his book.  b. Positive Influence Media technology, such as computers and HP is one of the media that is very urgent in life, because the computer/hp can help and facilitate the work of teachers and students. A  teachers can give the task or materials of learning through SMS, Hp,or the others more easily and attractively.  Bates (2015), Laurillard (2012...

KH Mu'min Ainul Mubarok, Juara Internasional,Qori yang Mempunyai Suara Tinggi,


Suara Merdu dan Indah dari Qori' Ustadz H. Mu'min Ainul Mubarok, S.Pdi


How to Teach Speaking Skill Easily? Theory and Practice

The Stages of Teaching Speaking Skill As we know that the students enter into the classroom have different competence and background. Some of them may be come from an educated family, and the others from uneducated family. The students who come from the educated family usually go to school have high or serius wishes to learn. However, the students who come from uneducated family usually have a few wishes to study.  Teaching the speaking skill to the students having great wishes to study is easier than the students who come from uneducated family. Therefore, the teachers shoud know or find the best way to teach speaking skill. There are some stages that can be used to teach the speaking skills to the students, namely: . a.  The first Stage: The Early Speech In the early speech stage, the teachers should begin using simple or short English words, like yes/no answers, one word answers, and two words or phrases. The example: Are you a student? yes, I'm. ...

Syahduh dan Indahnya Suara SYAMSURI FIRDAUS Qori Internasional dalam Surat Al-Isro


Why do We have to Learn the Culture or the Habits When We Learn a Language?

A Culture and Language  1. The Definition of Culture Understanding Culture – in a life of   human beings cannot be separated from culture and customs. According to several experts, the word "culture" comes from (Sanskrit) that is "buddayah" which is the plural form of the word "budhi" meaning prudence or common sense. The culture is defined as "things that are concerned with discretion or common sense". The sense of culture in general are the result of copyright, taste and human intention in meeting the needs of his complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral, customary law and any skills, and habits. Koentjaraningrat stated that the definition of culture is the totality of human behaviour and the results obtained by studying, and all arrayed in the life of the community. Similar with Koentjaraningrat, defined by Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Soenardi, the floral Sprig in his sociology (Jakarta: Yayasan Badan Publisher F...

How to teach and learn a Grammar communicatively: Unit 1 Modals Theory and Practice

 Learning or Teaching a Communicative Grammar Unit 1 Modals: Can/could, will/would, should Learning or teaching modals is not just the meaning of the words but also the function. We should remember that the meaning and the functions of grammar, like “modal” sometimes have different meaning, the use of the modals "can, could, will or would". For the examples: a. Modals: will/could, can/could/ 1. Can/be able to =  ability These modals express your ability to do something and you can substitute the expression ‘be able to’ for ‘can’ or ‘could’.  I can’t read this, I never learned Spanish.  I can speak english.   You can  swim  well      Susi can play badminton well. I couldn’t tell him because he was out of the office. I won’t be able to attend the meeting as I’ll be on vacation. 2. Can, could, would =   Offers Can I…?  the meaning of "can" in this sentece is giving an offer, but  fo...

Suara Emas Qori Syamsuri Firdaus membuat Bulu Merinding Rasanya: (Al Kahfi Ayat 1...


How To Enhance English Conversation Competence? Pay attention the Following Video


Merdunya Suara Duet H. Muammar ZA & H. Mu'min Ainul Mubarok


Calon Qori2 Internasional Indonesia, suaranya sangat Merdu


How to Learn English Conversation: Question and asnwer English Conversation: Question and asnwer There are some items that should be paid attention when learning english using video, namely: 1. Listen carefully If you want to improve your listening skill well, so you have to pay attention the sound of the letters, words, phrases or sentences uttered or pronunciated by the native speaker well or carefully. If your listening skill becomes better you will be easier to perceive what someone or the people say to you. 2. Repeat  Repeating or reviewing is a very important part to improve your listening and speaking skills. Therefore, you should repeat the words, phrases or sentences that the native speaker say several times  in order you can communicate in english fluently and correctly. 3. Practice After listening and repeating, the next stage is ' practice- practice.  If you want to be able to speak english is " practice, practice. Don,t be shy to speak english, and ...

Learning English by Native Speakers : Self Introduction Topic today is how to introduce our self to the others. There are some items that we should introduce, namely: name, age, address, hobby, job, even about our family. pay attention the example of how to introduce our self to the other people. Susan : Hi. my name is susan. What is your name? Budi   : I am Budi Susan : How old are you? Budi   : I am 12 years old. And you ? Susan  : I 'm 15 years old To perceive the way of self introduction more clearly, please follow and listen or repeat what they say in order your pronunciation becomes better.



KH. SALMAN AMRILLAH DJIHARKAH | Qori Internasional | Bikin Merinding


KH. SALMAN AMRILLAH DJIHARKAH | Qori Internasional | Bikin Merinding
