
Showing posts from April, 2019

Smart, creative, and inpirative

Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

How to Enhance and Improve the Score of Toefl. please Join and open my Blog

                                Training the listening skills or ears everyday is one of the best ways to enhance the score of toefl. Since, the listening skill is one of the most important and urgent language skills having great effects on learning the foreign language. Besides, the listening also deals with the utterance or pronounciation of the letters or words that should be learned well by the second language learners. Most of the second learners  have difficulties in learning the foreign language including English language is because they have diffiiculties in perceiving the native speakers' sounds or utterance. Therefore, training the ears or istening skill is  a must that should be conducted everyday, like the example above. The writer is sure  that if the second language learners listen to the video of the native speakers everyday or at least seven hours a day, they will be su...

Test Your English Competence!. The fourth Exercise

The Fourth Exercise: Shopping, Time, Month I.  Choose one of the correct answers, a,  b,  c,  or d     1. …… you got a table for six?    a. have    b. do    c. did     d. is 2. Ani : ……..     Susi : an orange juice     a. may you like to drink?                            b. what would you like to drink?     c. What would you like to eat?                d. what would you like to drink juice of apple? 3. Rudi : …………………………………?       Ani   : It costs Rp. 4.000      a. how much is the book               b. how much does the boo...

How to Improve the score of Toefl ? Train your Listening skill everyday.

    If you want to enhance the score of your toefl, you should train ear or listening skill to listen to the sound of the native speaker everyday. Since, The listening  skill is one of  the most urgent language skills that must be learned for all of  the second or foreign language learners. The foreigner or second language learners usually undergo the difficulties in  communicating with the native speakers, or watching western movies, because they are not accustomed to the sound of the native speaker, particularly dealing with the pronouncation of the letter, words, and the accent or intonation in the conversation. There are some items that should be noticed in listening to the video, namely: 1. Percieve the content of the speaking in the whole not word by word 2. Percive the instruction carefully 3. Concentrate to the content of the text or speaking 4. Train your listening skill everyday at least seven hours a day.         ...

How to Enhance the Score of TOEFL ? Listen carefully and Answer the Question

                                                                                  The best way of enhancing the score of toefl is we should train our listening or ear to listen to the sound of native speaker. Since, the original of the sound of the native speaker is really different from what we learn from our teacher in the school. Therefore, training our ear to listen to the native speaker is very urgent in learning the foreign language.  And now please listen to this vidieo carefully and perceive what they are talking about. Don't traslate the meaning of their talking word by word; however, please pay attention or focus on the content on the whole. Besides, please understand the instruction of the question clearly before you answer the questions. Please do t...

Test your English Competence!. Subjects: Shopping, Comparative, Superlative and Activities on the spare time

A. Choose the Correct Answer! 1. If we want to buy bread, we can find in the ... a. meat departement   b. bakery section 2. I want to buy .... sugar    a. a kilo of    b. slice of 3. Susan has ... chocolate    a. bottle of    b. a bar of 4. She drinks ... coffee      a. cup of    b. can of 5. Susi : ........................     Rudi : I would like four  slices of bread     a. How much bread would you like?   b. How much does the bread cost? 6. Which of groups of words belong to vegetables?      a. apple, orange, apple      b. garlic, onion, salary 7. If you want to buy milk, butter in the suppermarket, you should go to ...     a. dairy section   b. produce section 8. If you want to buy lettuce and tomatoes in the suppermarket, you should go to ...     a. a. dairy section   b...

How to enhance the listening and speaking skills? Train and train everyday


Test Your English Competence: Time, Telephone Communication, Days, Months, ans Seasons

Time and Telephone Communication A. Time 1. Write in English!     a. It is   (8.30)...................................................................     b. We go to school at (7.15)...................................      c. Ani gets up at (5.30 )....................................            d. They arrive here at ( 5.45)...................................      e. I take a nap at ( 1.34 p.m )...........................................    2. Answer the following questions?      a. What time do you get up ?      b. What time do you go to work ?      c. What time do you have breakfast?      d. what time do you come back from your work place?      e. What time do you go to bed? 2. Days     a. Today is sunday, tomorrow is ...............     b. Today is friday, y...

Test Your English Competence!. The Third Subject: Family

Mr. Bram and Mrs. Rini's Family Mr. Bram  married Mrs. Rini sixty years ago. They have three children, Ali, Tina and Umar. Ali married fatimah forty years ago. They have one sister, wati. Wati was thirty five years old. She married Burhan when she was twenty five years old. Wati and Burhan had children two children, Cici and Udin.  Tina is Mr.Bram's daughter, she is  thirty four. Tina was  married by Endang when she was twenty years old. They have one child. Umar is the youngerst child in Mr. Bram and Mrs. Rini's Family. Mr. Bram and Mrs. Rini was very pleased because all of their children were successful. Mr. Ali worked in one of the government Bank, Mandiri Bank. He was a top Director in the Mandiri Bank. Mr. Ali was a kind and polite director, therefore,  all of his staffs liked him. Mr. Ali was never angry with staffs although his staffs conducted the mistakes. He just gave advice or suggestion in order they did not carry out the  mistakes an...

Sungguh Luar Biasa kampanye Akbar 02: Sangat Tertib dan Damai

Kedamaian Kampanye Akbar 02 Mengatur jumlah orang yang begitu banyak  seperti kampanye Akbar 02 pada hari minggu tanggal 07 April 2019 yang dilaksanakan di gelora Bung Karno adalah tidak mudah, karena setiap orang mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeda- beda, baik itu lingkungannya, pendidikannya, maupun pengetahuan agamanya. Akan tetapi, kenapa pengunjung kampanye akbar 02 yang sangat banyak begitu tertib dan damai sebagaimana jika diperhatikan orang- oarang yang sedang shalat di GBK. Di dalam alquraan dikatakan baghwa sholat adalah mencegah perbuatan keji dan mungkar; oleh karena itu, sekalipun kondisi berdesak- desakan atau rame sekali jumlah peserta yang ikut dalam kampanye akbar 02; akan tetapi, mereka sangat tertib dan damai. Mereka sangat sadar tentang perbedaan perbuatan baik dan buruk, sehingga mereka sedikitpun tidak membuat kekacauan atau keributan.  Kekuatan setan untuk menggagu peserta kampanye akbar 02 agar membuat kerusuhan, keributan dan ketidaknya...

The First Exercise : Greetings, Introduction, State of Being/Feeling

The First Exercise : Greetings, Introduction, State of Being/Feeling I. Complete the following sentences with suitable words/expressions ! 1.   MR. Black   : Good evening,   Mrs. Green.      Mrs. Green : ………………………….. 2. Mr. Black     : H ow are you?      Mrs. Green :……………….. 3.   Mr. Black    : ……………………………      Mrs.Green   : I am very well thanks. 4.   Mr. Black    : …………………your mother      Mrs. Green :   she is very well thanks. 5.   Mr. Black    : ……………………………….. ? 6. Mr.Black       : …………………………….?     Mrs. Green    :    I am from America 7. Mr. Black      : How do you do?     Mrs. Green    : …………………….. 8. Mr. Black      : nice to meet you      M...