Smart, creative, and inpirative

Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

Tips to Enhance and Improve a listening Skill. Training and Practice

Two main Keys to Enhance the Listening Skills
Listening is one of the language skills that are very frightened and very difficult for the second language learners. They have difficulties in obtaining excellent score, and hey just obtaied  score below average. 

To enhance and improve the listening skill, we havr to know the differences between Listening and Hearing. we hear not mean we listen, but we listen-of course we hear. When we don't remember what we have heard, it is probably because we did not listen. An examplewhen we are introduced to a new friend., and then a few minutes later we can't recall her/his name. Why? Because we maybe failed to listen to the name when we were introduced. Johnson said that listening is the ability to understand and respond effectively to oral communication. Acording to David, hearing is with the ears, but listening is with the mind'. 

Thus, we can express that hearing is not listening, but listening is of course  hearing.  Listening requires more than hearing; it requires understanding the communication received.

There are two main keys to ehance or improe the listening skill that can be carried out, namely training and practiice. T

1. Training the Listening Skill

The Profeciency of ours as the second language learners in listening are very limited, because beween te first and second language of course have alot of diversities. In addition, they also are not used to. Therefore, to overcome this problem is the second language learners should train their listening skill, like listen to the radio, watch TV specifically documentaries or channels like Animal Planet and National Geographic, and so on.
5. Practice, Practice, Practice
Most importantly, remember to practice. The TOEFL listening section is a very quick and tricky section. Even native speakers need to train themselves for this section because it does not come naturally. So the best way to get better at it is to practice a lot.
