"Onewhat and Onehow"
Enhancing the students' achievement is not easy because every student has different background family, environment, and intelligence or competence; therefore, the teachers should be able to investigate, seek or find the better way, method and approach.
The Implementation of "Onewhat and Onehow is a alternative way that can be tried or used by the teachers to improve or enhance their students' achievement.
The concept of "Onewhat and Onehow" is a new way or a new approach inspired or derived from the concept of mastery teaching and learning emphasizing on the specific subjects or materials in the teachng and learning process. The Application of Onewhat and Onehow consist of what to teach and reach, and how to teach and assess/evaluate.
1. What to Teach and Reach
Before teaching, a teacher should know or design what material or subject that she or he wants to teach in advance. The material or subject can be seen in the basic competence, and then can be developed to be several units or parts. The materials/subject have already been designed and developed, they should make some indicators and goals that they wanted to reach. The indicators should refer to the material available in the basic competence, and the goals should refer to the materials in the basic competence and indicators.
2. How to Teach and Evaluate
After making or designing the indicators of competence attainment, the teacher should know the best way to deliver the materials to the students. In the implementation of Onewhat and Onehow, the teacher should deliver the materialas written in the indicators specifically in order the students can comprehen more easilly; therefore, in the application of Onewhat and Onehow, the teachers do not need to convey the other materials in general.
To guage the success of the teaching and learning process, the teachers should give a test or evaluation. The Test or evaluation is an urgent part because the teachers will not know wether they succeed or fail in teaching.
There are some items that should be noticed by the teacher in the assessment system mainly dealing with the students' competence in conducting the test, namely the students who can undertake the test successfully, and the students conduct the test poorly.
Both of them should be treated differently, for the students who can undertake the test successfully should be given a greater challenge, but for the students who answer the test poorly, they should be given a feedback. In giving the feedback the teacher should use a polite statement or sentence in order they are not offended.
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