
Showing posts from September, 2019

Smart, creative, and inpirative

How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc...

Cara Membuat Indikator dan Soal HOTS dengan Mudah.

Cara Membuat IPK dan Soal HOTS dengan Mudah 1. Pengertian IPK IPK adalah singkatan dari indikator pencapaian kompetensi. Tolak ukur keberhasilan atau kegagalan seorang guru dalam mengajar dapat dilihat dari IPK disamping tujuan. Oleh karena itu, IPK merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran. 2. Langkah- Langkah Membuat IPK a. Lihat Kompetensi Dasar b. Tulis materi yang ada Di KD c. Kembangkan Materi tersebut/ Buat Pemetaannya d. Tulis Kompetensi apa yang diukur dari materi tersebut e. Dalam Pembuatan IPK gunakan kata kerja Operasional f. Pilih Kata kerja mana yang mau digunakan Mulai C1 sampai C6 3. Pembuatan Soal HOTS Pada Kurikulum 2013, standar isi khususnya diperkaya dan kembangkan dengan peningkatan kemampuan siswa berpikir tingkat tinggi ( High Order thinking Skills/HOTS.  Berdasarkan hasil studi internasional programme for International student assessment (PISA)   menunjukan prestasi reading, mathematical, ...

How to Teach Greatings and Introductions communicatively

MODUL 1  Greetings Introductions The Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to be able to express the kinds of the expressions of greetings, and use in the daily life The way of how to teach the greetings the teacher should deliver  not only  the kinds of greetings and the expresions, but also the implementation or the use in daily life.Since, learning the language is not only as knowledge but also as means to keep in touch with. Unit one : Greetings    The greetings are devided into two parts, namely: formal and informal greetings Formal Informal Greetings Responses Greetings Responses Good morning Good evening Good afternoon How do you do ? How are you ? Good morning Good evening Good afternoon   how do you do?   Very well, thanks. - Hi. - Hello - hey - What’s up? - Good to see you. - How are things ...