
Showing posts from January, 2020

Smart, creative, and inpirative


  UTILIZING SOCIAL MEDIA FOR INNOVATIVE LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL ERA (A Case Study at MTSs Andalusia Babelan, Bekasi Regency) Hamdani Supervisor, Bekasi Regency, West Java, 17510                                                                  ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the use of social media as an innovative learning tool in the digital era. With the increasing integration of technology in education, social media offers an effective platform to enhance student engagement and collaboration. The methodology employed in this research is a qualitative approach through a literature review, involving the analysis of relevant stu...

Cara Menyusun RPP 2020 yang Simple. Teori dan Praktek

PENYUSUNAN PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN ( RPP Tahun Ajaran 2020 ) Di dalam menyusun Rncana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti definisi RPP, Komponen RPP, dan ontoh cara pembuatan RPP sederhana. A. Definisi RPP   1. Ginting in Fadillah, Lesson plan is a scenario of learning becoming a guide for teachers to        prepare, hold, and evaluate the results of teaching and learning activities.                                                         2. Spratt, Pulverness and Williams (2005) pointed out that lesson plan was a series of course plan     which provides direction for a teacher of what kind of materials of study to be taught and how to      teach the m.   B. Komponen RPP 2020      1. Tujuan ...

Two Types of Teachers' Mindset to Their Students?

The Students' Mindset to Their students The success or the failure of the students in learning is not only because of their intelligence but also the teachers' mindset. There are two mindsets of the teachers that is fixed and growth mindsets that can effect the students' success or failure.   1. The  Fixed Mindset                                                                                                      The teachers' fixed mindset is the teachers who always blame and never appriciate their students' ability particularly to the students who have low intelligence. They are often angry and eve never smile. They never give the chance to their students to improve their mistake, and they are not willing to he...

Dua Mindset Guru terhadap Siswanya.

Dua Mindset Guru terhadap Siswa      Di era digital ini, mindset guru mempunyai peran yang sangat urgent  sekali dalam mendukung, memotivasi, memfasilitasi, menginspirasi, mengembangkan dan memobilisasi potensi yang ada pada siswa dalam rangka mencapai keberhasilan kehidupan dan careernya dimasa yang akan datang. Guru tidak boleh lagi memandang sebelah mata atau berfikir negatif lagi terhadap siswa yang mmpunyai potensi atau kompetensi yang rendah karena itu merupakan tugas guru untuk membantu membibing dan mencari solusi terhadaap kondisi yang dihadapi para siswa.     Setiap siswa yang masuk ke kelas tentu mempunyai latar belakang, potensi, dan habits serta behavior yang berbeda beda; oleh karena itu, guru harus mempunyai kompetensi yang mumpuni yang dapat mengatasi problem yang ada pada siswa tersebut. Karena guru merupakaan tonggak keberhasilan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar.  Finch dan Crunkilton (1999:220), define that  “… compete...