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How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc...

Cara Menyusun RPP 2020 yang Simple. Teori dan Praktek

( RPP Tahun Ajaran 2020 )

Di dalam menyusun Rncana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti definisi RPP, Komponen RPP, dan ontoh cara pembuatan RPP sederhana.

A. Definisi RPP
  1. Ginting in Fadillah, Lesson plan is a scenario of learning becoming a guide for teachers to 
      prepare, hold, and evaluate the results of teaching and learning activities.                                                        
2. Spratt, Pulverness and Williams (2005) pointed out that lesson plan was a series of course plan
    which provides direction for a teacher of what kind of materials of study to be taught and how to 
    teach them.  
B. Komponen RPP 2020
     1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
                 Dalam merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran jangan lupa mengunakan kata kerja operasional, dan juga perhatikan kompetensi siswa. Dick, at el state that a good learning objective is specific, measurable, and clearly stated. The  learning objectives have a very important role in teaching and learning activities; therefor, the teacher must make an ojectives of learning before teaching in order they know  and understand and reach what  they do or want. Besides, the learning objectives also help students focus on what they are expected to learn, and understand how they will be assessed.
                  Untuk mencapai keberhasilan siswa dalam belajar maka diperlukan guru yang berkualitas. Gayle H. Gregory states that the qualities and expertise of teachers have a great impact on students success. The teacher does not  indeed make a huge difference by attending to a variety of high impact strategies and continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, and disposition that make a difference in student learning and achievement. 
                 Keberhasilan siswa tidak hanya terletak pada inteligensinya saja; akan tetapi juga adanya peran serta guru juga sangat penting. Dengan kata lain, Mindset guru terhadap keberhasilan dan kedagalan siswa juga sangat mentukan sekali. Menurut Dweck, ada dua mindsets guru terhadap siswanya, yaitu fixed mindsets dan growth mindset. The teacher with a fixed mindset tend to label students based on their assumptions about how smart they think they are; they expect and foster success for some students and hold lower expectations and offer lesser and mediocre task for others. Whereas,  the teacher with a growth mindset invest time and effort in their students and give students opportunities to try, redo, and choose alternate approaches until they are successful.

  2. Lngkah2 Pembelajaran
      Langkah- langkah pembelajaran/penyampaian Pembelajaran yang sederhana, yaitu
      observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. Penggunaan langkah2 tersebut boleh yang mana aja duluan sesuai kebutuhan, seperti apakah observing dulu atau questioning dulu, dll. Bahkan Boleh dengan cara lain.
  3. Assessment
      Dalam melakukan Assessment ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
             A.Jika Soal berbentuk Test (cognitif):
            - Indikator jangan lupa menggunakan KKO, dan utamakan mayoritas C4, C5 dan C6, tapi C1, 
              C2, C3 juga harus ada sebagai basic Knowledge.
           - Sebelum mengadakan Remedial gunakan feedback. Dalam Feedback yang perlu diingat gunakan 
              bahasa komunikasi yang sopan/baik jangan sampai siswa tersinggung atas kesalahannya
         -  Dalam Mengoreksi kerjaan siswa, beritahu kesalahan siswa dengan jelas agar siswa tidak                    bingung   mana yang harus direvis
          - Untuk siswa yang berhasil mengerjakan tugas, beri tantangan yang lebih besar/sulit
       -  Untuk penilaian karakter dan fortopolio gunakan format yang sebelumnya. Wabil khusus untuk penilaian karakter sebaiknya disamping pengamatan juga dilakukan bimbingan
c.   Jika Siswa semuanya berhasil dalam mengerjakan soal maka rubahlah soalnya, seperti jika soal PG betul semua maka rubah soalnya ke bentuk esay, dst. Hal ini sebagaimana dikatan oleh Kohn “if you want to change your students learning, change your assessment system.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
(RPP 2020)

Sekolah             : .....
Topik                : ..............................
Sub-Topik        : ...........................
Kelas                   : ..........
Semester               : ......
Tanggal/Waktu    : .......
I.Tujuan Pembelajaran (silahkan mau dibuat berapa, sesuai yang mau
Di akhir Pelajaran siswa dihaarapkan dapat :
II. Langkah2 Pembelajaran
           a.       Pendahuluan
           b.      Kegiatan Inti   ( Activity bebas mau 1, 2, dst sesuai kebutuhan )
Stage 1:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 2
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 3
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 4
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 5
Activity 1
Activity 2
III. Assessment
1. Test (written and oral Test )
2. Portofolio
3. etc.
4. Indikator ( kalau tdk dibuat lihat di tujuan)
                                                                                                             Bekasi, 12 Januari 2020
Kepala sekolah....                                                                                 Guru Bidang Studi

(..............................................)                                                    ( .............................................) 


School             : .....
Topic                : ..............................
Sub-Topic        : ...........................
Grade                 : ..........
Semester            : ......
Date &Time         : .......
At the of the lesson the students are expected to be able to :
           a. Introduction
           b. Core Activities 
Stage 1:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 2
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 3
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 4
Activity 1
Activity 2
Stage 5
Activity 1
Activity 2
III. Assessment
1. Test (written and oral Test )
2. Portofolio
3. etc.
4. Indikator ( If you don't make Indicator, you can look at the
    objective of learning )
                                                                                                             Bekasi, 12 Januari 2020
Kepala sekolah....                                                                                 Guru Bidang Studi

(..............................................)                                                    ( .............................................) 


  1. The proper organization of the lesson requires that all its components be considered. First of all, we should decide on the type of activity and its goals

  2. This was really an interesting topic and I kinda agree with what you have mentioned here! essay help


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