Smart, creative, and inpirative

Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

How to be a Brilliant Teacher?. Easy but It does not Happen by Accident.

How to Become a Brilliant Teacher

At the 21st century, the process of teaching and learning activites requires the brilliant teachers. To be brilliant teachers are very easy and can be conducted by all of the teachers. However, to be a brilliant teacher does not happen by accident, it requires some iterms or qualification that should be met. First, the teachers should master a lesson plan, materials of the learning, classroom management, the utilization of technology, and the last, the should be an activator, innovator, and inspirators for their students.

1. Mastering the Lesson Plan.

A lesson plan is an activity of teaching preparation planned, organized and conducted by the teacher in order the attainment of teaching goals can be reached successfully. The lesson plan is a must for them because the lesson plan contains the activity that they will conduct and reach.  Accoding to Lester B. Stands, A lesson plan is actually a plan of action. It, therefore, includes the working philosophy of the teacher, his knowledge of philosophy, his information about and understanding of his pupils, his comprehension of the objective of education, his knowledge of the material to be taught, and his ability to utilize effective methods.                           

A lesson Plan is the most urgent part and has great roles in the process of teaching and learning activity. The lesson plan is as a reference or guidance used by the teachers when they want to teach or deliver  the materials of teaching. The teachers will not be able to teach or deliver the materials well if they do not have any lesson plan, because they do not plan or prepare what they want to teach in advance, they do not know what they want to reach and what method they want to use, and they do not know how they should assess or evaluate their students' learning as well.                                        

2. Mastering the Materilas of Teaching.

One of the factors why the students undergoes the failures in learning is caused by the lack of teachers' competence in teaching, or lack of mastery of the materials of teaching. Therefore, to be brilliant teachers, the teacher should improve and their competence in mastering the materials of teaching. Since, the students' success and failure rely on the the teachers' competence and quality in teaching. Gregory states that the qualities and expertise of teachers have agreat impact on students success. The teacher does not  indeed make a huge difference by attending to avariety of high impact strategies and continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, and disposition that make a difference in student learning and achievement.

Robert A. Roe (2001) states that competence is defined as the ability to adequately perform a task, duty or role. Competence integrates knowledge, skills, personal values and attitudes. Competence builds on knowledge and skills and is acquired through work experience and learning by doing. According to Dobson (2003:8,), a competency is defined in terms of what a person is required to do (performance), under what conditions it is to be done (conditions) and how well it is to be done (standards).  Gayle H states that the students' success is not only determined by her/his intelligence, but also by the teacher's competence. 

3. Mastering the Classroom Management

The students entering into the classroom have different culture, habits, family bacground, and intelligence. Some of them may be come from educated and rich family, and the others may be come from uneducated family like the poor, or broken family. They of couse in the classroom have diffirent attitude, behaviour, and intelligence.  Besides, not all of the students entering into the classroom want to study. May be, they go to school because of their parents' wishes, or they go to school because they want to gater with their friends, etc. The students who come to school because of their parents, and the students come to school because of their own great wishes will have the diverse result. The students who come to school because of their own great willingnes of course will have better result or more succesful.

Furtheremore, the teachers also should be able to understand and know the students' need that is what they want or need, and not the teachers' need if they want to be brilliant teachers. John Hattie suggested that teachers need to see learning through the eyes of the learners, and the students need to see themselves as teachers. In other words students take an active role in the learnng process, identifying and setting goals,and planning and assessing their progress toward their goals. 

The Activity of learning will be conducted well and successfully when the teachers can creat the conductive classroom and master or understang the classroom management. The classroom management not only deal with the sthe posisition of the students' seat, location of the teachers' desk, condition of the windows, but also about the students' behavior, attitude and intelligence. If the problems can not be mastered and perceived well, don't hope the process of teaching and learning activity and the attainment of educational goaals can be reached. Therefoore, the teachers should be able to change and creat the conductive environment in the process of learning. Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and future learning ( Mayer, 2002)..

 4. Mastering the Digital World or Technology.

The progress of Technology world does not only have any impact on the business, but also on the education world. Almost all of the the education institutions or schools for now days not only in indonesia but also in the world, have already utilized the technology, because the technology has great roles in education, like for the school admistration and the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, the teachers are expected not only to be able to convey the material of learning via power point, but also help and fasilitate their students in the utilization of the technology. According to the pew Research centre, in 2015  more that half (54%) o the world’s population was using teh internet, enabling communicatiion through computer networks (pew Research Centre, 2016). This figure increased to 87% when pew looked solely at the 11 most advanced Economies.

5. Teachers as Motivator, Innovator, and Initiator for their Students.

Teachers  are not only to be able to deliver the materials of learning, but also motivate their students to learning, do the change for their students, and inspir their students to be great people, to be succesful entrepreneur, or to have better future. The situation or condition and the cost of living in the future of course are very diverse, even more expensive. Therefore, the brilliant teachers are  a must in the process of the teaching and learning in the 21st century. How ever, it depends on the teachers themselves. Education change depends on what teachers do and think-it is as simple and complext as that (Saron, 1971, p.193). William states that The mediocre teacher tells. The good Teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrate. The great teacher inspires.

Furthermore, the writer of this blog expresses that the success or the failure of the process of teaching depend on the teachers' minsets. Dweck identified the two basic mindset of the teachers, namely. fixed mindset and growth mindset. Teacher with a fixed mindset tends to label students based on their assumptions about how smart they think they are; they expect and foster succes for some students and hold lower expectations and offer lessser and mediocre task for others. Whereas the teacher with a growth mindset invest time and effort in their students and give students opportunities to try, redo, and choose alternate approaches until they are successful. 

The teachers should learn how to appreciate, and develop their students' potency, and reduce the negative thinking toward the students. Please be good motivators for the students in order they become successful people.Motivation is a pshchological feature , a driving force that arouses an individual to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls and sustains certain goal- directed behaviors. (Whitton et al., 2010; Woolfolk and Margaretts, 2013). 

Thus, to be te brilliant teachers, the teachers at least should meet four iterms, namelythe mastery of the lesson plan, materials of teaching, classroom management, and technology. Besides, the teachers should have broad insight about the better life now and in the future for their students.


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