
Showing posts from September, 2020

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Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

How to Apply the Character Education in the Era of the Twenty First Century Learning?

 The Implementation of Character Education in the Twenty First Century. In applying the character education in the twenty first century learning, there are some items that should be noticed  in advance, namely the definition of character education, the impacts of  Technology,  the urgency of  the character education in the twenty first century learning, and the implementation of  the character education  1. What is the Character Education     The word of "character" is taken from the language of the Greek "charakter", which means a mark. Aristoteles  defined good character as the life of right conduct in   relation to others and to oneself (Lickona, 1992). According to Elkind and Sweet (1997),   character is defined as the types of choices people make. Finally, Lickona stated that   good character was defined as moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior.   In the teaching of Islam,the morality, behavior or virt...

How to Teach a Grammar Communicatively? Unit One : To Be (is, sm, are)

 A Communicative Grammar Unit one :  How to Teach to Be "is, am , are" communicatively There are some ways that should be noticed in teaching a grammar communicatively, namely : teach  to be is, am, are in complete sentences,  in language contexts, and in a direct communication.  1. Teaching To be is, am, are in Complete sentences   The understanding of the complete sentences is  the sentences that at least consist of subject and predicate (to be), like the following examples: a. Hi, I am a student     I is a subject   and am a student is Predicate b. She is a beautiful girl     "She " is as subject  and is a beautiful girl is predicate c.He is a handsome boy    "He" is a subject and is a handsome boy is a predicate d. They are very clever students e. Susi and I are good friends f. The book is new g. The books are very interesting h. Are you Susan?  yes, I am i. She is not a student j. You are a dillige...