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How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc...

How to Motivate our students in Learning?

 Seven Strategies to Motivate the Students. To figure out the strategies or ways of motivating the students who have low motivation in learning, the teachers at least should know the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in advance. Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that comes from within an individual, such as a desire to learn or to achieve a personal goal. It is driven by personal interests, values, and a sense of enjoyment or fulfillment. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, refers to the motivation that comes from external factors, such as rewards, punishments, or the desire to please others. It is driven by external rewards or incentives, such as grades, praise, or money. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can play a role in an individual's motivation to learn or achieve a goal. Intrinsic motivation is generally seen as more sustainable and effective in the long term, as it is driven by personal interests and values, rather than ext...


  Six Ways to Unlock and Develop the Students’ Critical Thinking There are six ways to unlock and develop the students’ critical thinking that should be perceived and conducted y all of the teachers, namely;  1. Encourage questioning: Encourage students to ask questions and encourage them to think about the answers. Asking "why" and "how" can help students explore the reasoning behind an idea or concept. Encouraging questioning is important because it helps students to think more deeply about a topic and to explore the reasoning behind an idea or concept. Asking questions can help students clarify their understanding, identify gaps in their knowledge, and encourage them to seek out additional information. In addition, questioning encourages students to engage with the material more actively, rather than just passively receiving information. This can lead to a more meaningful and lasting understanding of the subject matter. Asking questions can also help students dev...

Panduan Lengkap Kurikulum Merdeka

 Apa itu Kurikulum Merdeka A. Pengertian Kurikulum Merdeka Pengertian kurikulum merdeka adalah kurikulum yang berisikan pembelajaran intrakulikuler yang bervariasi atau beragam dengan mengutamakan konten yang lebih esensial dan lebih optimal dalam mencapai tujuannya sehingga siswa lebih leluasa dan lebih terarah dalam mengembangkan potensinya ketika  kegiatan pembelajaran.  Jadi di dalam kurikulum merdeka guru harus benar- benar mampu memilah atau memilih materi yang dianggap lebih penting untuk diajarakan atau disampaikan kepada siswa, disamping itu guru juga harus mampu membuat sebuah tujuan pembelajaran yang lebih objektif,  achievable, dan measurable. Sehingga proses pembelajaran benar- benar terjadi secara lebih efektif dan efesien.  B.  B. Kurikulum Sebagai Great Challenges bagi Sekolah/Madrasah Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum yang sangat luar biasa dalam visinya dimana kurikulum merdeka ini pada hakekatnya memberikan kepercayaan kepada sekolah ...

How To Unlock The Students' Critical Thinking?

 The Ways of Unlocking and Developing Students' Critical Thinking in Learning Each student entering into the classroom has different competence and preparation, some of them may be come to school having high motivation to study; however, the other students  on the contrary, come to school because of their parents, or just want to meet their friends, etc. The diverse conditions, of course, have huge effects in developing the students' critical thinking. Therefore; the teachers should know the ways of how to unlock and develop the students' thinking.  There are some ways to unlock and develop the students' thinking that can be carried out by the teachers, namely: 1. Encourage the Students to Express or Deliver their Thought in Learning Encouraging the students to express their thought in learning is an urgent pathway because it can emerge the students' bravery , self-confidence, and intrinsic motivation. Give the chance to the students to express their opinian  Every ...

Is Radicalism dangerous in Education?

                                            The Effects of Radicalism in Education. The Radicalism in education still has contradictive interpretation among the educational experts. Some of them view that radicalism in education is very dangerous; however, the others state that the radicalism is not dangerous. What do you think about radicalism in Education? Does it have negative or positive  effect in the Students' future? To understand the danger or negative and positive effects of the radicalism, we should know or perceive the definition of radicalism itself. a. What is Radicalism? Radicalism is a belief in radical ideas and principle.  namely to comprehend the negative effects of radicalism in education, we should know in advance the definition and the function of education for the students. education is a deliberate conscious effort being made to create an atmosph...

Impelemetasi PKPM dalam Rangka Peningkatan Mutu Kinerja Pengawas

Meningkatkan Mutu Kenerja Pengawas melalui Implementasi PKPM A. Pengertian PKPM B. Instrument PKPM C. Team Pelaksana PKPM D. Syarat Team Pelaksana PKPM E. Prosedur Implementasi PKPM     1. Dasar Hukum Pelaksanaan PKPM     2. 

6 Langkah Cerdas Membuat Soal Ujian/Ulangan dengan Mudah

 Cara Membuat Soal Ulangan/Ujian dengan Mudah Ada enam langkah yang penting dalam pembuatan soal Ulangan/Ujian dengan mudah, yaitu mengkaji kompetensi dasar, membuat indikator soal, menentukan level Kognitif pada soal, Membuat kisi- kisi soal, membuat soal dan analisa soal yang dibuat. 1. Mengkaji Kompetensi Dasar     Dalam mengkaji kompetensi dasar, guru sebaiknya fokus pada materi yaitu apakah materi yang ada pada kompetensi dasar perlu dikembangkan menjadi beberapa sub- pokok bahasan atau materi tersebut tidak perlu dikembangkan menjadi sub-pokok bahasan dan langsung dibuat pertanyaan. contoh, dalam Kompetensi dasar " memahami kedudukan dan fungsi alquran". jika materi ini yang ada pada KD dianggap sudah spesifik dan tidak perlu dikembangkan maka guru langsung saja membuat soal dengan kompetensis sesuai yang mau diukur, yaitu kompetensi kognitif level 1(C1, C2), Level 2 (c3), atau Level 3 (C4,C5, C6). 2. Membuat Indikator     Dalam membuat Indikator seorang g...

Langkah-Langkah Menyusun Soal HOTS dengan Mudah

 Langkah Penyusunan Soal HOTS dengan Mudah   Ada beberapa langkah yang bisa dilakukan guru dalam menyusun soal HOTS dengan mudah dan sederhana, yaitu : A. Pengertian Soal HOTS      Sebelum kita menyusun soal HOTS alangkah baiknya kita mengenal terlebih dahulu pengertian dari soal HOTS itu sendiri. Soal HOTS tak lain adalah soal yang memerlukan pemikiran tingkat tinggi yaitu pada tingkatan/kognitif level 3 yang terdiri dari C4 ( Menganalisa), C5 ( Mengevaluasi), dan C6 ( Mengkreasi).  Disamping itu, Pemahaman dari soal HOTS adalah bukan soal yang sulit; akan tetapi, soal yang memerlukan poses pemikiran.   B. Analisa Kompetensi Dasar      Dalam Pembuatan Soal HOTS, langkah pertama perlu diperhatikan guru adalah analisa/ pahami terleih dahulu Kompetensi Dasar. Di dalam kompetensi dasar ada dua point  utama yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu kata kerja dan materi yang ada pada kompetensi dasar.  Kata kerja yang ada pada kompetensi...