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How to Cultivate Focus and Emotion to Our Students?

The Strategies  of Cultivating Focus and Emotion to the Students The Students entering into the classroom have diverse background, condition or situation, and potency. Majority of them have difficulties in focus and emotion, and it is not easy to tell them to cncentrate or focus in learning. They enter into the classroom with empty brain, and they do not have any purposes to go to school. Therefore, the alternative ways or strategies are very urgent. There are ten strategies that can be used to cultivate focus and emotion to our students in learning. Before understanding the strategies, we should know the definition of focus and emotion in advance. A. The definition of Focus and Emotion 1. The Definition of Focus In the educational context, focus denotes the capacity to direct one's attention and concentration towards a specific objective, subject, or task. This entails the ability to eliminate distractions, sustain attention over time, and actively participate in the learning proc...

Is Radicalism dangerous in Education?


        The Effects of Radicalism in Education.

The Radicalism in education still has contradictive interpretation among the educational experts. Some of them view that radicalism in education is very dangerous; however, the others state that the radicalism is not dangerous. What do you think about radicalism in Education? Does it have negative or positive  effect in the Students' future?

To understand the danger or negative and positive effects of the radicalism, we should know or perceive the definition of radicalism itself.

a. What is Radicalism?

Radicalism is a belief in radical ideas and principle. 
namely to comprehend the negative effects of radicalism in education, we should know in advance the definition and the function of education for the students. education is a deliberate conscious effort being made to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners can actively develop their potential to have a religious strength, self control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and also the skills necessary for himself and citizens. 

Based on the definition, the education educates the persons/students to unlock the students' thinking and competence to posses correct mindset about religion that teaching the straight path, and create the peace in the world. The teaching of religion not only Islamic teaching but also the all of the


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