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Dimana Peran Guru sebagai Agent of Change ?.

 Peran Guru sebagai Agen Perubahan Guru sebagai agent of change memiliki peran sentral dalam transformasi pendidikan, dengan tanggung jawab tidak hanya menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menjadi penggerak inovasi, pembentuk karakter, dan inspirator perubahan sosial (Fullan, 2007). Dalam era yang terus berkembang, guru harus mampu beradaptasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif. Lebih dari itu, guru juga berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai sosial, moral, dan lingkungan kepada siswa, mempersiapkan mereka menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab. A. Inovasi Pendidikan   – Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Membangun Pola Pikir Kritis Siswa. Inovasi pendidikan adalah kunci untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa di era modern (Drucker, 1998). Guru sebagai agent of change harus mampu mengembangkan dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang kreatif, yang ti...

How to Motivate our students in Learning?

 Seven Strategies to Motivate the Students.

To figure out the strategies or ways of motivating the students who have low motivation in learning, the teachers at least should know the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in advance.

Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that comes from within an individual, such as a desire to learn or to achieve a personal goal. It is driven by personal interests, values, and a sense of enjoyment or fulfillment.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, refers to the motivation that comes from external factors, such as rewards, punishments, or the desire to please others. It is driven by external rewards or incentives, such as grades, praise, or money.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can play a role in an individual's motivation to learn or achieve a goal. Intrinsic motivation is generally seen as more sustainable and effective in the long term, as it is driven by personal interests and values, rather than external rewards. However, extrinsic motivation can also be useful in certain situations, such as to provide short-term incentives or to motivate individuals who may be struggling to find their own intrinsic motivation.

There are several strategies that teachers can use to try to motivate students who have low motivation in learning:

1. Set clear goals and expectations: Help students understand what they are working towards by setting clear goals and expectations for their learning. This can help them see the value and relevance of the material they are studying.

2. Provide choice and autonomy: Allow students to have some control over their learning by giving them the opportunity to choose their own projects or assignments. This can help them feel more invested in their work.

3. Encourage self-reflection: Help students reflect on their own strengths, interests, and goals, and encourage them to set personal learning objectives that are meaningful and relevant to them.

4. Foster a sense of community: Create a positive and supportive learning environment that promotes collaboration and encourages students to work together. This can help students feel more connected to their peers and motivated to contribute to the group.

5. Use varied teaching strategies: Incorporate a variety of teaching strategies, such as problem-based learning, hands-on activities, and technology, to keep students engaged and motivated.

6. Provide frequent feedback: Give students regular feedback on their progress to help them see their improvement and feel motivated to continue learning.

7. Reward and recognize effort: Recognize and celebrate students' achievements and efforts, even if they do not always meet their goals. This can help them feel recognized and valued, and can boost their motivation to keep trying

Thus, never underestimate or blame your students although they often make mistakes, because the success or failure of the students in learning rely on the teachers. Therefore, the teachers have to understand and master  the problems well.


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