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10 Menit AI Membuat Soal PTS, PAT, PAS dan UM dengan Sempurna dan Berkulitas.

10 Menit AI Membuat Soal PTS, PAS, PAT dan UM                    Hamdani, S.Ag., M.Pd , Education Supervisor at Bekasi Regency, West Province.                                                                  Sebelum memanfaatkan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk menyusun soal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS), Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS), Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT), atau Ujian Mandiri (UM), terdapat beberapa langkah penting yang perlu diperhatikan. Langkah-langkah ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa soal yang dihasilkan relevan dan sesuai dengan kompetensi yang ditetapkan. Salah satu tahap awal yang harus dilakukan adalah menganalisis Kompetensi Dasar yang menjadi pedoman dalam pembuatan soal. Dengan memahami K...

How to Enhance the Students' Learning System? Change the Assessment System!

The Urgency of Assessment

The students' learning system in the classroom is various and different from one each other, even almost 80% have low motivation to learn. Therefore, teachers or educators should know the alternative ways to overcome the problem. According to Kohen, if you want to change your student learning, please change the assessment system. 

Assessment is one of the urgent parts of the process of teaching and learning because the assessment is an instrument or tool of measurement used to measure the student's competence in a domain, mainly about attitude, behavior, or knowledge. 

There are the most important things in the assessment that should be noticed by the teachers or educators, namely washback and feedback. They have a big role in enhancing the students' competence or the students' learning system.

a. The Definition of Washback

    The definition of the washback has a different understanding from the educational experts; however, their differences have similarities in comprehension. They relate the word "washback" with the test. So, we can define the word "washback" as the effect of the test.

     The meaning of "effect of the test" points out that the success or failure of the students conducting the test will be known by conducting several forms of the test. For instance, in the first test, the teachers give a multiple choice test and the majority of the students undertake the test successfully, then the teachers give the second test in the form of short answers. In the second test, the students also can undertake the test well although not as successful as the first test. If the teachers still want to know about the real competence of the students' test results, they can give the further form of the test namely an essay. 

If the results of the first, second, and third tests are satisfactory, so they point out the real competence or success.  Therefore, the application of washback is very urgent not only to know or measure the students' knowledge in undertaking the test, but also to enhance the students' learning system. The Writer is sure that the students' achievement and learning system will undergo significant changes if the teachers or educators apply washback correctly

 b. Feedback

      The word "feedback" can be understood as a response, namely a response to the students' work. In giving a response that should be remembered by teachers is about the statement used. The statement should be polite and good, and avoid words or sentences offending their students. Since the teachers' statements will have positive and negative effects on students. 

There are significant effects on the students if the teacher uses unpolite statements in giving feedback to their students, like a decrease in self-confidence and motivation of learning, disharmony between students and teachers will take place, and situation and condition of the process of teaching and learning will encounter a new huge  problem.

 Therefore, no matter how many mistakes students might make, the teachers should give them praise. Since, the praise is not only given to the students undertaking the test successfully but also poorly. 
The praise for the students undertaking the test poorly is more significant that for the students conducting the test successfully. Since, low intelligent students will feel that their teachers respect them although make mistakes. In addition, their self-confidence-, self-esteem, and motivation of learning encrease.

Meanwhile, for the students who can conduct the test successfully the praise is not important and necessary, even some of them ignore it when their teachers give them praise. They need more challenges. In other words, the teachers should give  more challenging tests to them than  praise.

Thus, the students' learning system and achievement will enhance if the teachers or educators can implement washback and feedback in assessment correctly.  Do you agree with my conclusion that by applying the washback and feedback well can change and enhance the students' learning system and achievement? please give your comment below in the comment section.


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